Our Code
Freehab Code of Practice and Behaviour
The Freehab Code of Practice and Behaviour (CPB) is in place to govern the expected standards and behaviours of everybody that works with us., this includes our clinicians, other team members and any stakeholders with whom we work.
You will act in the best interests of our patients at all times.
You will deliver high-quality, evidence informed care, remaining at all times within your own scope of practice and competency, making appropriate referrals where necessary.
You will place high-value in interventions and advice supported by the evidence base.
You will incorporate the biopsychosocial model of care into your practice, recognising the multifactorial nature of MSK conditions.
You will always be aware of the social determinants of health and their impact on individuals health and systemic health inequalities.
You will always engage in patient centred care, making shared-decisions about interventions, goals, self-management and ongoing care.
You must always obtain appropriate informed consent, ensuring that you discuss with the patient the relevant options regarding their care and ensure that they have the option to ask questions.
You must always maintain patient confidentiality and protect the privacy of information in accordance with the Freehab Privacy Policy.
You will maintain appropriate professional registration (either Statutory Regulator or PSA Accredited Register) and practice in accordance with the Code of Practice for your profession at all times. You will be complaint with all professional register audits and investigations.
You will maintain appropriate levels of professional liability insurance for your practice.
You will engage in ongoing continuing professional development relevant to your scope of practice.
You must share the Freehab values of Equity, Quality & Activity and demonstrate behaviours driven by these values.
You must be transparent, honest and act with integrity. You must treat everybody with whom you interact with kindness, respect and compassion.
You must be an ally to those who face discrimination. You will not condone or participate in any actions or behaviours that discriminate on the basis of age, sex, gender, marital status, health status, race, religion, sexual orientation or financial status.
You should endeavour at all times to honour the commitments you have made to the users of our service.
You must act lawfully and be compliant with all relevant legislation in relation to your work.